Reading is a priority | Tutoring - Testing | Accelerated Curriculum | Celebrate Diversity! |
Second Grade
Second Grade Curriculum
Individual Reading- M-W-F every week with an emphasis on fluency and comprehension
Math Instruction/Math Groups- based on diagnostic testing, levels 2nd-4th and beyond as needed L
Literature Study -with a focus on vocabulary and comprehension/elements of a story
Vocabulary - incorporated in daily speaking and writing
Spelling - phonetic as well as meaning and grammatical structure controlled spelling
Writing - paragraph structure, writing process, various forms of writing
Science - structured textbook units with assessments/ hands-on labs
Social Studies - communities, current events and map skills
Phonics/Language Arts - parts of speech, rules and dictation
Responsibility for learning
Independence/ self-discipline
Foster own sense of organization
Higher level learning
Time management and independent working
Self-monitor/ task completion
Social skills and life skills
Love of learning
Conversational Spanish
Art Masterpiece
Science Lab
Lunch Period
Developmental P.E.
Classroom Teachers
For Classroom Supply Lists, please click on your child's teacher. Our supply lists have been updated for the 2024 - 25 School Year!
2nd Grade
Ashlee Moyzes (am) / Candy Hibner (pm)
Linda Fenner (am) / Kelly Moore (pm)